Launch of A2JBC’s new website
I am pleased to announce the launch of Access to Justice BC’s new website. The previous website was acting as a placeholder until we were better equipped to put together a site that would be more user-friendly, informative and interactive. Thanks to the contributions of many organizations and individuals, Access to Justice BC has been able to create this new site in furtherance of one of our 2017 goals to engage and communicate.
Access to Justice BC’s overarching intent is to nurture and tap into a culture shift in the justice system. This shift needs to embrace a transition from working in siloes to working collaboratively; from court-centred to user-centred; from risk-aversion to innovation, experiment and willingness to fail; and from “justice expert”-driven to evidence informed. While Access to Justice BC is starting with a focus on the family justice system and issues of concern to Indigenous peoples in BC (including the consequences of their historical and current relationship with the Crown and within Canadian society), the hope is that the lessons learned and improvements achieved in these areas will have a positive impact on other areas of the justice system.
I encourage you to look around the website to find out about Access to Justice BC, how we hope access to justice will be improved and how you can get involved.
The Honourable Robert J. Bauman, Chief Justice of British Columbia, is the chair of Access to Justice BC. Prior to becoming a judge, Chief Justice Bauman was a lawyer practicing in the areas of local government and administrative law. He also lectured and wrote on legal subjects widely, in addition to teaching at the University of British Columbia. Chief Justice Bauman is the recipient of several honours recognizing his contributions to the justice system. He has been married for over 40 years to his wife, Susan. They have two married sons and one lively and adorable grandchild.