The Justice Data and Design Lab

The Justice Data and Design Lab (previously the Better Justice Lab) operationalized the recommendations, agreed to in principle by the A2JBC Leadership Group in the fall of 2018, on expanding access-to-justice innovation and funding to include the private sector. The Lab exemplifies the A2JBC approach. It is collaborative, user-centred, experimental and evidence-based.

UX Research Engine

Rapid Response Teams

Better Justice Lab

UX Research Engine Photo Credit: visual-machine.    Rapid Response Teams Photo Credit: GEA


The Lab’s objectives are to:

  • Reduce the unmet need for justice services in BC;
  • Gather user-experience (UX) data and use that data to rapidly build prototypes of redesigned or newly-created services;
  • Attract more innovation, funding, and technology to the justice system;
  • Attract more young people from many disciplines to the pursuit of solutions to unmet need; and
  • Help lawyers and others working in the justice system prepare for and thrive in a rapidly changing world.

The Lab will gather user-experience (UX) data. A UX Research Engine will identify access to justice (A2J) problems using data science and UX research. It will focus on BC residents with everyday legal issues who are not engaging at all with lawyers or the formal civil justice system. It will prioritize problems that, if solved, would address large proportions of unmet need.

The Lab will use the UX data to rapidly build prototypes of redesigned or newly-created services. Rapid response teams at the Centre for Digital Media will take each problem identified by the UX Research Engine and build a working prototype solution for it within four months. They will make all prototypes widely available through an open source platform, and feed all UX testing data back into the UX Research Engine.